Registration Information
To provide a home for our brothers and sisters in need and create innovative solutions for affordable, efficient housing.
A $25 Entry Fee for each submission is required and can be paid in the form of a check or money order made payable to AIA Austin. Mailing details are on the competition website. Registration Fees can also be paid online via the competition website ( Fees must be paid before a registration number will be issued and before access to the full brief will be allowed.
All submissions must be uploaded to the website (insert URL here) NO LATER THAN 5pm CST Day Month Date 2014.
Files submitted shall have no name or mark of designation that in any way identifies the project or competitor, other than the Registration Number assigned to competitors upon completion of registration.
Please read all Submission Requirements carefully. Files that do not meet all Submission Requirements will be disqualified. No refunds will be made for disqualified submissions.